National Forests / Boy Scouts
July 7, 1922: "The headquarters of the Pend d'Oreille and Kaniksu forests here are this week installing a standard forest service lookout station at Scout point, about half way up the side of the mountain west of the Boy Scout camp at Garfield bay. The station will become a part of the fire protection organization of the forest service and will be operated by the Boy Scouts, working by details. It was stated at the forest service headquarters that the station was put in partly for protection and partly for educational work at the scout camp. The area it will cover will include a large amount of lake territory which can be 'spotted' with any degree of detailed accuracy from other lookout points maintained by the forest service." (Pend Oreille Review)
July 14, 1922: "The Boy Scout station on the mountain west of the scout camp at Midas spotted its first fire Sunday, with Carl Neuman and Lewis Graves on duty. The fire was on the timber protective association territory north of Sunnyside and was also spotted by the Scotchman lookout station near Clarksfork. The boys at the scout camp are doing excellent work at the lookout station and are very accurate in their reading of fire directions." (Pend Oreille Review)