CARIBOU (Association)
Pend Oreille TPA
1921: Camp. (Kresek)
1920's: Cupola cabin. (Kresek)
January 18, 1927: (From fire warden's report) "7. Caribou Peak lookout--Two deputy wardens, one lookout and one smoke chaser, located in lookout cabin in NW 1/4 of section 30, township 59, range 2 WBM." "The Caribou lookout telephone line was placed on the main trail, making it shorter and more convenient to locate trouble." "A new trail was cut through sections 15 and 16-59-2W to cut down the grade and shorten the Caribou lookout trail." (Northern Idaho News)
August 2, 1928: "Miss Joan Madoche and Miss Edna Mathieson accompanied by C.H. Sperling, who is a packer for the P.T.P.A., visited the Caribou lookout station last week." (Pend Oreille Review)
September 4, 1928: "The lookout from Caribou mountain came in Saturday night." (Northern Idaho News)
1952: Abandoned (Kresek)