Salmon National Forest
July 13, 1923: "Miss Ethel Allan accompanied her father, E.A. Allan, to the Blackbird lookout station." (The Idaho Recorder)
1924: A Salmon Forest lookout report shows this site as a primary lookout with a 14x14 house.
June 23, 1926: "Charley Schultz is at the Blackbird mountain lookout station for the season." (The Salmon Herald)
October 11, 1929: "Duane Bingham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bingham of the View community and a graduate of Burley high school in the class of 1929 is registered this year as freshman in the University of Utah. Duane had a rather thrilling experience the past summer, while located with the forest crew at the Salmon National Forest lookout stationed on Blackbird mountain. He dropped a large brown bear in its tracks by the use of a .22 pistol." (The Herald-Bulletin)
1935: Two-story log cabin. (Kresek)
August 20, 1939: "Mr. and Mrs. A.O. Johnson returned Friday night from Salmon where they visited with their son, Orlo, who is stationed in the Salmon forest as fire guard at Blackbird Lookout. The Johnsons had to pack in 12 miles. They spent three days there." (The Post-Register)
August 22, 1940: "Mr. and Mrs. A.O. Johnson and Louise Higbee returned late Wednesday from Black Bird Lookout near Salmon where they visited Orlo Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, who is employed by the forestry service. Gone four days, they reported that four big forest fires were visible from their son's lookout station. There has been no rain there for 51 days, they said." (The Post-Register)
1965: Destroyed (Kresek)