Kaniksu National Forest
June 30,1916: "Lookout maps have been prepared by placing a contour map on a drawing board and then covering the same with shellac and varnish. The point corresponding to the exact location of the lookout is placed on these maps, and with this point as a center a circular protractor is fastened to the map which reads in degrees. This board is then oriented and placed placed on the corresponding peak and is used as a means of taking observations on fires." (Pend Oreille Review)
April 4, 2001: "The USDA Forest Service, Idaho Panhandle National Forest is selling Hall Mountain Lookout for off-site removal. It is located 15 miles North of Mt. Hall junction on Highway 95, Bonners Ferry Idaho on Forest Road #272. This 1957 lookout is 14' x 14', 196 square foot single room and approximately 40' high. It is constructed of wood and metal and is placed on 4 concrete footings and secured by steel guy cables. A bid deposit of 20% of the bid price must accompany your bid. Bid opening will be June 28, 2001 ay 2:00 pm at the Regional office, Missoula." (Bonner County Daily Bee)
2001: The lookout was purchased and moved.